WG Third Party Risk Management & ESG

These days, ESG is a term on everyone’s lips, given the avalanche of regulations that are being enacted to make companies more sustainable – or at least to make companies report on all ESG matters. One pivotal piece of the ESG regulatory framework is the fact that compliance/reporting needs to be along the entire value chain and not only for the company in question, which means that even smaller companies that are not directly subject to specific ESG regulations may be forced to regard them in practice, as they may be suppliers of companies that are bound by them. Managing compliance risks related to third parties, or as our co-chair Michael prefers to call it, “external partner risk management” is top of mind for a lot of companies and consequently or the compliance community.

To respond to these developments, Annette Schüller and Michael Reh are launching a new Working Group “Third Party Risk Management & ESG”, which aims to bring together all those interested in questions of the management of third party/external partner risk and other adjacent ESG compliance matters to discuss, exchange and share best practice on how best to deal with these new and novel requirements.

Annette and Michael look forward to your active participation. We also welcome any speakers or ideas for future events.

Upcoming events

29 August 2024 – Launch event

You are invited to our hybrid launch event that will take place on 29 August 2024 from 16:00 at the Novartis Campus in Basel and via a weblink.

For those attending in person, there will also be a tour of the Novartis Campus preceding the event at 14:30h. 

Register here


Annette SchüllerBoard Member
Co-Chair WG Third Party Risk Management & ESG
Michael RehCo-Chair WG hird Party Risk Management & ESG

These are the upcoming dates for our Annual General Meetings:

Thursday, 20 March 2025
Thursday, 19 March 2026

If you are an ECS member, you are cordially invited to our Annual General Meetings! Each AGM is followed by discussion on current compliance topics and an networking Apèro.