Shifting board priorities as a result of the COVID-19 crisis becoming permanent

With no end in sight, board members must shift to a new, longer-term reality: What is the “new normal” for board governance? How can a board begin to prepare for the next crisis while this crisis remains ongoing? On a broader scale, what is the role of a director now that a temporary crisis has become permanent?

In a newly published article, Dottie Schindlinger and Kira Ciccarelli from the Diligent Institute detail how the lingering effects of the pandemic are changing board member priorities based on extensive and ongoing conversations with directors. They conclude that the answer to the questions mentioned above hinges in large part on adaptability, the centrepiece of board members’ idea of governance in the “new normal”. Furthermore, the Institute has published a report that follows up on several questions, including how directors can handle the COVID-19 pandemic, how corporate governance changes in a crisis and what the best practices for virtual board meetings are.

Find the article here: The Role of A Director When A Temporary Crisis Becomes Permanent

and the report here: Ask a Director 

These are the upcoming dates for our Annual General Meetings:

Thursday, 21 March 2024
Thursday, 20 March 2025