OECD releases study on “Corporate Anti-corruption Compliance Drivers, Mechanisms and Ideas for Change”
The OECD has recently released a study titled “Corporate Anti-corruption Compliance Drivers, Mechanisms and Ideas for Change.” The study aims “to better understand the extent to which companies are currently motivated to take measures to prevent and detect bribery and other forms of corruption in their business dealings.”
Although the study was very small with only 130 participants, it concluded that main challenges for implementing anti-corruption programs would be i) the “perception that a compliance program is not needed”, ii) a lack of executive commitment and iii) inadequate financial resources. According to the survey, each of these challenges would be “significant” or “very significant” challenges for companies when developing and implementing an effective anti-corruption compliance program.
Find the study here: https://www.oecd.org/daf/anti-bribery/Corporate-anti-corruption-compliance-drivers-mechanisms-and-ideas-for-change.pdf
and a commented executive summary here: https://fcpaprofessor.com/survey-says-9/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+thefcpaprofessor+%28FCPA+Professor%29