New Handbook on Internal Investigations

Internal investigations are part of good corporate governance and have become increasingly important in recent years. This applies to internationally and locally active companies and organisations of different sizes and from diverse industries. Internal investigations are often conducted in parallel with investigations by domestic and foreign authorities against the company or organisation itself or third parties.

Against this background, a new handbook on Internal Investigations was recently published by Helbing Lichtenhahn. The handbook contains a comprehensive presentation of the legal and practical issues that arise in domestic and cross-border internal investigations. Experienced practitioners show which aspects should be considered and which pitfalls should be avoided when planning and conducting internal investigations, when taking organisational and personnel measures and when cooperating with domestic and foreign authorities.

In particular, the handbook contains i) a comprehensive presentation of the legal framework and practical issues in internal investigations and cooperation with authorities, ii) differentiated and practical approaches to solutions by proven authors, iii) consideration of current case law and legislative developments (e.g. the revision of the Swiss Data Protection Act) and iv) numerous references to important aspects and pitfalls, checklists and practical examples.

These are the upcoming dates for our Annual General Meetings:

Thursday, 21 March 2024
Thursday, 20 March 2025