Return on Compliance: Deep-dive Workshop

Return on Compliance: Deep-dive Workshop, 4 June 2024 at 17:00h at BDO AG, Schiffbaustrasse 2, 8031 Zürich

Speakers: Prof. Dr. Stefan Hunziker, Head of the Competence Center for Risk and Compliance Management, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, and Prof. Dr. Christian Hauser, Head of PRME Business Integrity Action Center, University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons.

Meeting the growing demands of regulators and stakeholders requires regular and significant investments in corporate compliance. To date, however, the concrete impact of these investments on business success is unclear. The objective of an applied research project co-funded by Innosuisse was to identify the factors that contribute to effective and efficient corporate compliance and to examine the link between effective and efficient corporate compliance and business performance.

The aim of the event is to learn more about the state-of-the-art methodology used in the project. In addition, it will be discussed how the innovative research findings can be used to significantly improve the status of corporate compliance in companies and how the findings can help minimize the cost of corporate compliance while optimizing its effectiveness.

The Q&A session will be moderated by Sandra Middel and Stefan Behringer. The deep-dive workshop will be followed by an apéro hosted by BDO.

As the number of participants is limited to 20, we suggest to register early.

Free Ticket

  • Return on Compliance: Deep-dive Workshop
    4 June 2024
    5:00 PM - 6:30 PM


Schiffbaustrasse 2, Zürich, 8031, Switzerland